Welcome to Physio+10, the podcast that puts you in contact with your future via clinicians, researchers and entrepreneurs with 10+ years of Physiotherapy experience. We all start new projects with zest, but what motivates some to grow in tough times, create new norms or imagine alternative possibilities? Physio+10 puts you in contact with just such people and their journey. Absorb their experiences, knowledge and insights so you can craft your future, by understanding their pasts!
James Schomburgk Clinician | Educator | Hollywood Script Writer
James has been a significant contributor to our profession through years of service in professional bodies, teaching at undergraduate & postgraduate levels, mentoring young clinicians, developing business owners and helping clients. But, as is the case with many conversations on Physio+10, you never know what will happen until you step through the door of opportunity and in James' case it was an invitation to head to Hollywood to write scripts for a couple of years.
James Schomburgk is one of the owners of The Second Visit, an international teaching and mentoring company, and Physio Practice Connect which connects overseas physios with Australian private practices.
The Second Visit helps physios in private practice to develop from junior to senior practitioners and become practitioners of choice in their communities through balanced, specific and targeted clinical and non-clinical education for physios in private practice. We help create happy, successful career physios who are the "go to" physios in their communities
He is a lecturer in Sports and Orthopaedic Medicine at the School of Medicine at the University of Adelaide.
He was also Director of Back in Motion Campbelltown and Valley View for 25 years.
He was the WorkCover South Australia Physio Advisor for 8 years, is an Expert Advisor to AHPRA (Australian Health Professional Registration Authority) and has been the National Chairman of MPA (Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Australia).
You can also watch this conversation on YouTube.
Educating aspiring health professionals
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