Welcome to Physio+10, the podcast that puts you in contact with your future via clinicians, researchers and entrepreneurs with 10+ years of Physiotherapy experience. We all start new projects with zest, but what motivates some to grow in tough times, create new norms or imagine alternative possibilities? Physio+10 puts you in contact with just such people and their journey. Absorb their experiences, knowledge and insights so you can craft your future, by understanding their pasts!
Anna-Louise Bouvier Media Guru | Entrepreneur | Educator
Anna-Louise had 2 passions in addition to becoming a Physio. Following graduation, she realised bench warming wasn't for her (short-term patch-up), and neither were medium-term repairs, she wanted to make longer-term, habit-forming changes for her patients. So as a single mum, with 2 children under 2, she took a very bold step and created Physiocise. There was a method in her madness as Anna-Louise explains, but to place this decision in context, it was before the Physio + Pilates wave had arrived.
Anna-Louise has since taken many other bold steps, forging links, and partnerships and breaking new ground using her Physiotherapy skills and a warm smile to create products and services that didn't exist before.
Probably the closest we have to a Physio Celebrity, Anna-Louise explains how this occurred and how it ties in with her two other passions, teaching and journalism.
You can also watch this interview on YouTube.
Thank you for listening.
Anna-Louise Bouvier is a physiotherapist and Adjunct Fellow at Macquarie University. She is also one of Australia’s best-known well-being media commentators and is a regular on many ABC radio programs including Richard Glover in Sydney.
She is a Board Member and national Patron of Coastrek, an organisation that has raised nearly $50m for women's health initiatives.
In 1995 she founded Physiocise, an innovative practice that has now taught over 100,000 classes focused on exercise prescription and education.
Her multi-award-winning joint venture with the ABC, Happy Body At Work saw her consulting many of Australia’s top 100 private and public sector organisations, including the ASX, Optus and CBA and many others. She has published three best-selling books and a DVD series with ABC about creating happier bodies and was an expert on the ABC TV series Making Australia Happy and Making Couples Happy.
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