Welcome to Physio+10, the podcast that puts you in contact with your future via clinicians, researchers and entrepreneurs with 10+ years of Physiotherapy experience. We all start new projects with zest, but what motivates some to grow in tough times, create new norms or imagine alternative possibilities? Physio+10 puts you in contact with just such people and their journey. Absorb their experiences, knowledge and insights so you can craft your future, by understanding their pasts!
Mick Hughes Clinician | Educator
You might say that Mick did it tough getting to his final dream of being a Sports Physiotherapist. With too many 'distractions' he didn't gain direct entry, and only just scraped into Exercise Physiology with a very late 'cash-only' offer. Then, after overseas travel, and on the back of his rural upbringing, he snapped up a place in a newly minted Physio program in Townsville @ James Cook University.
However, once his ball was rolling it hasn't stopped. With stints in Townsville covering rugby, Newcastle covering soccer and in Melbourne, netball, Mickha amassed a range of Sports Physiotherapy experience in a range of high-performance teams. He also developed a deliberated focus on ACL prevention and rehabilitation.
Learn how and why Mick deliberately built his social platforms as part of his business within a business plan, and where he would like to see Physio grow.
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Mick Hughes is the co-founder of Learn.Physio and an APA titled Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist. He has dual qualifications in Exercise Science and Physiotherapy and has recently completed a Master of Sports Physiotherapy. After spending a long time in Melbourne, he now consults at the North Queensland Physio Centre in Townsville, has a strong clinical interest in ACL injury prevention and rehabilitation, and sees a high volume of ACL injured athletes both locally and interstate/internationally via telehealth. Outside of his clinical role and sharing online education, Mick likes to take it easy and spend quality time with his wife and young family.
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