Welcome to Physio+10, the podcast that puts you in contact with your future via clinicians, researchers and entrepreneurs with 10+ years of Physiotherapy experience. We all start new projects with zest, but what motivates some to grow in tough times, create new norms or imagine alternative possibilities? Physio+10 puts you in contact with just such people and their journey. Absorb their experiences, knowledge and insights so you can craft your future, by understanding their pasts!
Mark Brabazon | Sports Physiotherapist & Gym owner
Physio+10 focuses on the journeys of trailblazing Physiotherapists and today's conversation is with Mark Brabazon. Mark represents a new generation of Physiotherapists with dual degrees in S & C and Physiotherapy. He has a specific interest in running and gym-based injuries, using a range of tech in his assessments. Mark recently completed his Masters in Sports Physiotherapy.
To top off his fast learning curve Mark, purchased the gymnasium he was working in and has made the quantum shift from Physiotherapist to business owner and employer, but this has ensured that he can fully control his rehabilitation environment.
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You can also watch our conversation here.
My name is Mark Brabazon and I am the owner of Back2it Sports Physiotherapy & Fitness in Osborne Park. I have been a physio for 10 years working within more of a musculoskeletal setting within private practice. I have completed a Bachelor of Exercise and Health Science, a Bachelor of Physiotherapy and more recently a Masters in Clinical Physiotherapy (sports). I have always had a keen eye on the modern-day athlete whether competitive or recreational and enjoy utilising my strength and conditioning facility to try and deliver the best possible outcomes I can. Physiotherapy has evolved so much over years, and I am privileged to be a part of its journey and to have the opportunity to share some of my experiences with others.
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